News Arad

Stiri si reportaje din judetul Arad

Ciba a readus-o pe VI-FE în grafic! Victoria Felnac este pe podium la final de tur

Victoria Felnac a întregit tabloul formațiilor din „careul de ași” care au câștigat în ultima etapă a anului în Liga a 4-a Mavros la fotbal. Deplasarea de la Vinga nu a fost chiar o formalitate pentru formația lui Lucian Ciba, care s-a văzut condusă pe tabelă, însă a întors partida până la pauză. Confruntarea din Banat s-a complicat pentru „roș-albi” și prin prisma absențelor, Moraru, Măgulean, Cleuță sau Buz, în vreme ce Iuga a jucat cu probleme medicale. Topac a deschis scorul pentru cei din Vinga în minutul 22, dar felnăcanii au repus lucrurile pe făgașul normal până la pauză, prin reușitele golgheterului Leucuța și Drîglă, 1-2. După exact o oră de joc, Onișor a suferit o accidentare gravă și pe teren a intrat Pasăre, care a contribuit imediat la reușita ce a închis conturile: acțiune pe dreapta și pasă perfectă pentru Leucuța, în fața porții goale, iar VI-FE s-a impus cu 3-1. Felnacul a început ultimul meci al turului cu: Fl. Rusu – Mocan (46 Lasc), Țugulescu, Bekono, Tăutan (74 Sinkovicz) – Onișor (60 Pasăre), Istin, A.Iuga (64 I. Varga), Drîglă – Goia (46 Belea) – Leucuța. De la revenirea pe banca Felnacului, Lucian Ciba s-a bucurat de un parcurs aproape perfect, adică victorii pe linie, plus remiza internă cu Socodorul. Ceea ce se traduce în clasamentul de la finalul turului prin locul 3, la cinci puncte în spatele liderului din Sântana! Concluziile le trage chiar Lucian Ciba:

Un singur regret la finalul anului, remiza cu Socodorul

Am un singur regret la final de tur, prima repriză cu Socodorul. Nu mi-a plăcut deloc cum am jucat atunci, mi-aș fi dorit o victorie cu ei. Am controlat repriza a doua, am ratat și penalty, dar am făcut doar un egal care nu mă mulțumește. În rest, rezultatele au fost cele care au contat, chiar dacă jocul nu a fost mereu cel pe care mi-l doream”. Într-adevăr, Felnacul este cu adevărat în grafic la finalul turului, ocupând un loc pe podium, mai exact poziția a treia, cu 29 de puncte, la doar unul în spatele Podgoriei Pâncota și la cinci lungimi sub liderul neînvins Unirea Sântana. Felnacul are al doilea atac al campionatului, cu 28 de reușite, după Sântana, 29 și a doua cea mai bună apărare, doar șapte goluri primite, tot în urma liderului, care a încasat doar trei goluri.

VI-FE are cifre excelente în toamnă, Leucuța este golgheter!

Așadar, un golaveraj excelent, 28-7 și un bilanț bineînțeles pozitiv în linia de clasament: nouă victorii, dintre care doar în trei a primit gol (2-1 cu Șimandul, 3-1 cu CS Beliu, 1-0 cu Național Sebiș, 5-0 cu Victoria Nădlac, 1-0 cu CS Vladimirescu, 4-0 cu Frontiera Curtici, 2-0 cu Voința Macea, 2-0 cu Victoria Nădlac și 3-1 cu Athletico Vinga), două egaluri (1-1 la Pâncota și 1-1 acasă, cu Socodorul) și o singură înfrângere, 1-2 de acasă cu Unirea Sântana. La acel meci nu a fost însă pe bancă Ciba, reinstalat în funcția de antrenor în locul lui Dan Mițiți chiar după derby-ul cu liderul. Încă de la revenire, Ciba a anunțat obiectivul, un loc pe podium, declarând că are un lot mai bun decât cel cel din mandatul anterior. Vă reamintim că Felnacul a cucerit și Cupa României, faza județeană, ediția 2021-2022, cu Ciba la cârmă.

Revenirea lui Ciba pe banca Felnacului – conjunctură favorabilă

Plecat de la Felnac în ultima zi a anului trecut, Ciba a pregătit-o din luna aprilie a lui 2024 pe Păulișana Păuliș, formație cu care a câștigat faza județeană a Cupei României și pe care ar fi continuat să o antreneze dacă noile autorități locale din comuna din Podgorie nu ar decis să nu mai finanțeze echipa. Ulterior, Păulișana s-a și retras din Liga a IV-a Mavros. Așadar, a fost și o conjunctură favorabilă, ce s-a dovedit de bun augur pentru felnăcani. Felnacul dă și golgheterul turului, ex-utistul Sorin Leucuța marcând zece goluri, tot atâtea câte are și Mașniță, de la Beliu. Obiectivul Victoriei Felnac în acest sezon, sub comanda lui Lucian Ciba, este locurile 1-3, semn că VI-FE nu se dă la o parte din lupta pentru câștigarea campionatului! (foto: sportarad)

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Extension of the gas network in Zădăreni and Felnac

The extension of the natural gas supply network in Arad County continues. And the County Council is contributing to the development of local communities by supporting such projects.

„Introducing gas to a community is first and foremost an increased comfort for people. But also a motivating factor for attracting investors. As always, we provide support for such projects, both directly, through co-financing, and indirectly, as in this case, by granting the right of use and the right of easement for utilities on land publicly owned by Arad County”, said Iustin Cionca, President of Arad County Council.

The extension of the gas network for the localities of Bodrogul Nou (Zădăreni commune), Călugăreni and Felnac (Felnac commune) is being carried out through a project financed by the National Investment Program „Anghel Saligny”, and the estimated amount is 24-25 million. The contribution of Arad County Council for this project amounted to 300.000 lei for Zădăreni commune and 232.000 lei for Felnac commune.

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Iustin Cionca:  Another 950 thousand euro for the Oncology Hospital, from European funds!

Another 950 thousand euro will go into modern equipment at the Oncology Hospital in Arad. The medical equipment to be purchased, through a cross-border project, consists of: ultrasound scanner with software for contrast ultrasound, automated system for personalized preparation of cytostatic medication, laser for lithotripsy, high-resolution micro-ultrasound system, urological endoscopy kit.

Arad County Council is a partner, together with Békés County Council from Hungary, in the project „Development of Network to Improve Health Status of Population (DENIM)” within the INTERREG VI-A Romania-Hungary Program 2021-2027. Through this strategic partnership, Arad County Emergency Hospital will benefit from modern medical facilities necessary for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oncologic diseases.

„This initiative responds to an acute need, given that in our county, more than 1,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year, while we have more than 14,000 patients diagnosed with oncologic diseases. These patients regularly need specific investigations, both for treatment and monitoring”, said the President of Arad County Council, Iustin Cionca.

The „DENIM” project reflects the strong partnership between Romania and Hungary for the benefit of citizens and highlights the common priorities in terms of public health and social cohesion in the cross-border region.


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The village of Crocna in the commune of Dieci will no longer have water supply problems

Arad Water Company has taken an important step towards improving the quality of life in our communities by acquiring a state-of-the-art drinking water booster station in Crocna village, Dieci commune.

This strategic investment will solve the problem of access to water in the village, where half of the inhabitants were facing water shortages due to water level differences.

With the new station, all inhabitants of Crocna will benefit from a constant supply of drinking water.

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Town of Pecica modernizes and expands public transport

The administration of Pecica is elaborating a project for the implementation of public transportation on several streets of the city, with the intention to purchase electric buses.

The project aims to connect the town and the neighboring villages of Turnu and Sederhat with useful routes and modern stations.

„By the end of the year we will submit a new project very useful for the community: the implementation of a local public transportation system with electric buses, with routes that will cover both the main routes of Pecica and the connection with the neighboring villages Turnu and Sederhat.

The nearly €5 million project includes the purchase of two electric buses, the installation of recharging stations for them and 24 intelligent bus stops with access and warning systems for people with disabilities.
We want to modernize the pedestrian crossings on streets 1 and 2, as well as those near the bus stops, with intelligent lighting and video surveillance, as well as a system for electronic purchase of travel tickets,” said the mayor of Pecica, Petru Antal.

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Recycling Days in Arad! Collection points for waste electrical and electronic waste

Arad City Hall, together with the authorized operator SLC Timis and in partnership with OIREP Eco Positive and MGG Recycling, invites you to recycle! From October 21 to November 29, the autumn edition of the disposal of old or broken electrical appliances will take place. Arardenians can get rid of any waste electrical, electronic or household electrical equipment for free.

During the above-mentioned period, the collection operator SLC Timis can be called to register your orders for the collection of electrical waste.

The action comes in support of individuals and legal entities wishing to dispose of old or broken appliances responsibly and free of charge.

Pick-up orders from home or business premises are taken as follows:

from Monday to Friday, between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on TelVerde 0800.444.800 (free of charge)

daily between 09.00-17.00 on 0751.302.123 by SMS (normal rate) or WhatsApp (mentioning the name and address of the depositor).

permanently via the online order form available on

Following the order, you will be called by a representative of the authorized operator SLC Timis to arrange the pick-up date. Electrical waste will be collected from your home or business premises during the action period, between 9.00-15.00.

On Saturday, November 16, between 9:00 – 15:00, 3 temporary collection points will be available at the following addresses:

Alfa area – behind Carrefour, next to the Church

Micalaca area – P-ța Mioriței, behind block 129

Aradul Nou area – Calea Timișorii nr.39

At these collection points, residents can bring any old or defective electrical appliances.

Respond positively to the collection and recycling of old or used electrical appliances, light bulbs and batteries! Contribute to protecting the environment and saving the Earth’s resources. And to the cleanliness of our community.

For more details and information about the campaign, please contact the SLC Timis representative, Mr. Adrian Manu, on 0751 302 114

The team of the Timiș Selective Collection System for Electrical Waste ensures the free collection of this electrical waste and its safe transportation to recycling factories accredited according to European standards, where this waste will be treated and recycled according to environmental standards.



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The new Local Council of the commune of Brazii was constituted

Yesterday, November 06, 2024, at 12:30, the meeting of the new local council of Brazii commune, resulting from the elections of June 9, took place.

Together with the elected mayor, Dorin Catana, during the meeting, the 9 local councillors validated by the Gurahonț Court on October 24, 2024, took the oath of allegiance, as follows:

Andar Adina Cristina (PSD)
Căprar Abiam Cadmiel Abiam (Forța Dreptei)
Costea Ciprian Vasile (PSD)
Demea Dorel Ioan Dorel (AUR)
Florea Vasile Marin Vasile (PSD)
Purice Lucian Purice (PUSL)
Urs Eugen Eugen Iustin (PNL)
Vesa Ioan (PNL)
Vesa Nicușor Vasile (PNL).

„I wish that, throughout our term of office, we remain committed to our mission of resolving and managing the needs and problems of citizens, under the law, aware that, through our decisions, we directly influence their lives. Contributing to the economic, social and cultural development of our locality, it is essential that transparency and openness to constructive dialog prevail in this council”, said Dorin Catana, Mayor of Brazii.

The Prefect’s Institution was represented by Marius Sulincean, sub-prefect of Arad County, and Adriana Dărău, legal counselor.

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